Family Health

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Winnebago County Public Health provides the following resources and services for parents, caregivers, and children:

Information on pregnancy,
labor and delivery, and
caring for a new baby

Breastfeeding support from
certified lactation consultants and peer counselors

Parent Resource Hours twice a month to provide resources, information, and services. 

Learn about Developmental Screening and where you can screen your child

Community resources including access to child care, housing, and more

Immunizations and nursing expertise

Learn about safety concerns
like car seat safety, safe sleep,
and more

Learn about Lead Blood Screening to prevent lead poisoning

Information on WIC

Download the Parent Resource Flyer: English PDF  /  Spanish PDF 
Download the Prepping for Your Baby Flyer: English PDF  /  Spanish PDF

Nurse Consultations for Childcare Facilities

Winnebago County Public Health also offers Nurse Consultations for Childcare Facilities. During these visits, a nurse works directly with childcare facilities to provide health education and monitoring of immunizations, communicable diseases, food safety, and injury prevention. Contact us to schedule!

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Additional Family Health Resources: