For Winnebago County, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
(Click on the chapter title and use the search function in the document by clicking on the binoculars and entering the name of the item you are searching for)
Chapter 3: Finance and Taxation
Chapter 5: Law Enforcement and Courts
Chapter 6: Emergency Government Operations
Chapter 9: Public Peace and Good Order
Chapter 11: Health and Social Services
Chapter 13: Animal Waste Management
Chapter 14: Illicit Discharge and Illicit Connection Ordinance
Chapter 16: Private Sewage System
Chapter 18: Subdivision and Platting
Chapter 19: Parks and Recreation
Exhibit A - Sunnyview Exposition Center
(Rental Fees Schedule for 2021 to 2025)
Chapter 20: Non-Metallic Mining Reclamation
Chapter 22: Winnebago Co. Comprehensive Plan
Chapter 23: Town/County Zoning Codes
Chapter 24: Wittman Regional Airport Zoning
Chapter 25: Construction and Effect of Ordinance
Chapter 26: Floodplain Zoning Code