Schedule a Home Visit to review these fall prevention tips:
- Exercise is vital to maintain balance and strength. Regular exercise can help you greatly reduce your frequency of falls or even help you prevent falls.
- Check your medications with your doctor or pharmacist (even over-the-counter medicines). Some medicines may make you sleepy or dizzy increasing your risk of a fall. This is a list of inappropriate medicines.
- Have your vision checked at least once a year by an eye doctor.
- Examples of what different vision problems can look like
- Get up slowly after you sit or lie down.
- Wear shoes both inside and outside-avoid going barefoot or wearing slippers.
- Look at our Shoe Guide if you are unsure about your shoes.
- Have uniform lighting in rooms
- Add light to dark areas, and hang lightweight curtains/shades to reduce glare.
- Paint a contrasting color on the top edge of all steps so you can see the stairs better.
- See your physician if you experience a loss of hearing, it may just be wax build-up, but hearing loss can cause dizziness and balance problems.
- Use a walking aid that has rubber on the bottom.
- Keep it by the bed at night in case you need to get up.
- Proper nutrition is also important in helping to prevent falls.
- Fill out this home checklist to see if you can help protect yourself from a fall at home by doing simple improvements. (Adapted from the CDC)
Other Safety Tips
- Keep emergency numbers in large print near each phone.
- Put a phone near the floor in case you fall and can't get up.
- Think about wearing an alarm device that will bring help in case you fall and can't get up.
- Keep a record of all your falls including-date, time, circumstance, what was hit (i.e. - head, arm, leg), and any injury that resulted.