For more information or to register please call 920-232-3000 or email health@winnebagocountywi.gov
What is Stepping On?
Stepping On is a falls prevention workshop that has been researched and proven to reduce falls by 30%. This workshop will help you recognize your risk of falling and help you build the balance, strength and practical skills you need to avoid a fall.
These small group workshops are led by two trained facilitators and meet for 2 hours once a week for 7 weeks.
Who should take the workshop?
- Adults over 55
- Adults who have fallen in the past year
- Adults who have a fear of falling
What will I learn?
Stepping On is an interactive class where you will meet with physical therapists, pharmacists, vision specialists, and community safety experts who help you gain confidence to stay active in your community and do the things you want to do.
- Identify and remove fall hazards from your home.
- Avoid fall hazards in your community.
- Get back on your feet the right way if you fall.
- How vision affects our falls risk.
- How to use walking aids the correct way.
- Strength and balance exercises you can adapt to your level.
- How medications play a role in falls risk.
Don’t wait until a fall injures more than your pride! Call today to sign up! Suggested donation of $15 for the 7-week session.