
Risk Factors and Resources for Teen Health

Major milestones of development happen in the teen years and as our world becomes more socially dependent there are many new pressures. Winnebago's Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) looks at major health risk factors for youth. Teen years are a cruical time for youth to work through relationships, accept their individuality and prepare for the future. As the brain works through critical development and the body deals with major hormonal changes, mental health can be strained. As puberty starts and sexual health factors come into play there a myriad of new questions that can be embarrassing or taboo to discuss. Below you will find topics related to teen health and some resources for both parents and youth.



Substance Use
  • Substance Use Resources
  • Tobacco - Tobacco use is still the #1 cause of preventable disease and death in Wisconsin, despite great strides made in the last 10 years to reduce youth and adult use rates, increase the cigarette tax and implement a smoke-free workplace law. The tobacco industry is aggressively targeting youth with candy- and fruit-flavored products designed to get them attracted and ultimately addicted.
  • E-Cigarettes and young people - Know the Risk