In 1997, the Winnebago County board approved a proposal for a $100,000 per year cost sharing program. A Citizen's Advisory Committee established the guidelines of the program in early 1998. Many landowners have since installed Best Management Practices (BMP) and helped to improve water quality.
Program Benefits
- Provides cost-sharing at 70% up to $20,000 for eligible projects.
- Provides technical assistance in planning, design and supervision of project installation.
- Leverages additional funding from other grant sources.
Eligible Best Management Practices
- Barnyard Runoff Control Systems
- High Residue Management
- Diversions, Drop Spillway Structures
- Grassed Waterways
- Shoreline and Streambank Protection
- Vegetative Buffers
- Wetland Restoration
- Rain Gardens
- and more...
Contact the Winnebago County Land and Water Conservation Department for further details.