Barnyard Runoff Control System
Conservation Tillage
A system of crop production that is designed to minimize soil disturbance while maintaining the previous year’s crop residue on or near the soil surface and minimize the number of field operations.
Manure Storage System
A manure storage system is an impoundment made by constructing an embankment, excavating a pit or dugout, or by fabricating a structure to temporarily contain manure and other animal or agricultural wastes. These systems protect water quality by preventing runoff from animal lots, cutting fertilizer costs and preventing nutrient losses in agricultural fields, and allowing for manure to be safely stockpiled until conditions are environmentally safe for spreading.
Nutrient Management Plan
A Nutrient Management Plan is a tool to increase the efficiency of all the nutrient sources your crop uses while reducing production and environmental risk, ultimately increasing profit . . .
Rain Gardens
Rain gardens are landscaped areas planted with wild flowers and other native vegetation that soak up rain water from the roof of a house or other building. After a storm, the rain garden fills up with a few inches of water and slowly infiltrates into the soil. This reduces the amount of water running off the ground . . .
Shoreline Habitat Restoration
Soil Health
A cover crop is grass, legume, forb or other herbaceous plant that are established for seasonal cover and conservational purposes. The practice may be used to reduce wind or water erosion by establishing cover after a minimal residue crop. Cover crops are planted to use up excess nutrients in the soil profile, for weed suppression, to provide nutrients to the next crop, to increase carbon sequestration and improve soil structure. They are excellent tools for helping to improve soil health.