2022 ANNUAL REPORT LAND USE QUARTERLY - WINTER 2024VIRTUAL APPEARANCE (ZOOM) INSTRUCTIONSZoning DepartmentAbout UsCertified Survey MapsComplaintsErosion Control /Stormwater2024 Fee ScheduleFrequently Asked QuestionsMission StatementApplicationsADDRESS APPLICATIONPermits Zoning Permit Application Erosion Control/Stormwater PermitTemporary Use PermitPublic Hearing Conditional Use Permit Application and InstructionsPDD Application and InstructionsVariance ApplicationZoning Map Amendment Application and InstructionsHandoutsBackyard ChickensBoathousesDecks and PatiosFencesGarages and ShedsGuide for a Rain GardenImpervious SurfacesObtaining a Sanitary PermitResidential Floodplain ConstructionSwimming PoolsShoreline Vegetative BufferHolding Tank Servicing ContractSanitary System InformationSanitary Maintenance Program Pumping Report StatusSanitary PermitsReal Property Lister's OfficeAbout UsCommittees and BoardsBoard of AdjustmentBoard of Adjustment Meeting LinksIndustrial Development BoardIndustrial Development Board Meeting LinksPlanning and Zoning CommitteePlanning and Zoning Committee Meeting LinksPublic Hearing Meeting InformationOrdinancesAdministrative CodesWI State StatutesCounty Ordinances/Codes Chapter 16 - Private Wastewater Treatment SystemChapter 18 - Subdivision & PlattingChapter 20 - Non-Metallic MiningChapter 23 - Town/County ZoningChapter 24 - Wittman Regional AirportChapter 26 - Floodplain ZoningChapter 27 - Shoreland Zoning CodePlanning DepartmentComprehensive PlanFarmland Preservation PlanSupplemental Info and ResourcesSawyer Creek Floodplain GIS DepartmentAbout UsGIS/MapsSurvey AccessGIS Maps and Data Order Form