Certified Survey Map Process
When submitting a new Certified Survey Map (CSM) for review by our office, please note the following:
The CSM review fee is $300.00 payable to Winnebago County and 3 copies of the entire CSM must be provided.
CSM's can be sent via email to Zoningdepartment@winnebagocountywi.gov; but the review will not begin until payment is received.
Original CSM documents ARE NOT ACCEPTED at the time of review submission.
When our office receives a new CSM for review:
The CSM will be review for accuracy by the Zoning Administrator, GIS staff and the Property Lister.
If changes are required, the surveyor will be notified by the Zoning Administrator.
NOTE: Signatures should not be collected until your surveyor notifies you that any necessary changes/corrections have been made.
Once the surveyor has completed any changes necessary:
a. All signatures will need to be obtained prior to submitting the original CSM to the zoning office for final approval.
The signature of the Winnebago County Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Committee is always the final signature on a CSM.
When all other signatures have been obtained, bring the original CSM to the Zoning office located at 112 Otter Ave, Oshkosh, 3rd Floor, Planning and Zoning Dept.
The Zoning Administrator will review the document to ensure all changes/corrections have been made by the surveyor and sign his approval of the document.
After the Zoning Administrator has approved the CSM, the Planning and Zoning Committee Chairman will sign the CSM.
For the CSM to become an official survey it must be recorded at the Register of Deeds office located at:
David Albrecht Administration Building
112 Otter Ave, Room 108
Oshkosh, WI 54901