Information and Resources
Amending a Comprehensive Plan
- Updating your comprehensive plan 2 - UWEX
- EXAMPLE of a Public Participation Plan for Amending a Comp Plan
Topic Specific Definitions
- Private On-Site Wastewater Treatment System - Definitions in Chapter 16.11
- Subdivisions and Platting - Definitions in Chapter 18.65
- Non-Metallic Mining Reclamation Ordinance - Definitions in Chapter 20.1
- Town/County Zoning Codes - Definitions in Chapter 23.3-1 and 23.3-2
- Wittman Regional Airport Zoning - Definitions in Chapter 24.3-1 and 24.3-2
- Floodplain Zoning Code - Definitions in Chapter 26.3-1 and 26.3-2
- Shoreland Zoning Code - Definitions in Chapter 27.15
Glossary of Terms
Ascent Land Records - A software used for the management of real estate parcels.
BOA - Board of Adjustment
CAD - Computer Aided Dispatch, A computer-based system, which aids PSAP Telecommunicators by automating selected dispatching and record keeping activities.
CSM - Certified Survey Map
DMA - Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs
DNR - Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
DOA - Wisconsin Department of Administration
ECWRPC - East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission
ESInet - Emergency Services IP Network
Farmland Preservation - A program is to help local governments that want to preserve farmland through local planning and zoning, and to provide tax relief to farmers who participate.
FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency
GIS - A geographic information system (GIS) is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of geographical data. GIS is more than just software. People and methods are combined with geospatial software and tools, to enable spatial analysis, manage large datasets, and display information in a map/graphical form.
GOEDC - Greater Oshkosh Economic Development Corporation
GPS - Global Positioning System
IDB - Industrial Development Board
LRC - Land Records Council
Land Records Modernization Plan - The purpose of the land information plan is to meet WLIP requirements and aid in county planning for land records modernization.
LiDAR - Light Detection and Ranging
LIO - Land Information Officer
LION - Land Information Officers Network
LTSB - Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau
MSAG - Master Street Address Guide
NRCS - Natural Resources Conservation Service
Orthophotography - An aerial photograph or satellite imagery geometrically corrected ("orthorectified") such that the scale is uniform.
Parcel - A division of land developed for the sole purpose of creating a complete, accurate, and equitable unit of taxation in support of taxpayers, contributing a fair share of support for the community services received.
P and Z Committee - Planning and Zoning Committee
Plat of Survey - A survey performed to define and mark the boundaries of an existing parcel of land.
PLSS - Public Land Survey System
RPL - The Real Property Lister (RPL) keeps maps and records of all real property ownership, prints the name of the owner and legal description of each parcel as of the assessment date of each year, in the assessment rolls, tax rolls, and
property records.
Redistricting - Redistricting is the process of redrawing electoral district boundaries to adjust for shifts in population and to ensure proper representation for all potential voters in a given geographic area.
ROD - Register of Deeds
SCO - Wisconsin State Cartographer's Office
Tapestry - Online system to access county recorded land records from the Register of Deeds office.
The New North - The regional marketing and economic development corporation for the 18 counties of Northeast Wisconsin.
Tie Sheet - A map showing a survey monument with distances and directions to surrounding objects.
USDA - United States Department of Agriculture
WEM - Wisconsin Emergency Management
WINGS - Winnebago County Geographic Information Systems
WLIA - Wisconsin Land Information Association
WLIP - Wisconsin Land Information Program