Medical services are available upon referral from your therapist or case manager. The Medical Team is made up of child and adult psychiatrist, psychiatric nurses, and nursing staff.
The first appointment with a psychiatrist or nurse practitioner will take about an hour. The provider will ask questions about how you are feeling, what stress you have in your life, and what treatment you have had in the past. Based on that discussion, the provider will order the medications he or she feels will best help with your symptoms. You will meet with your provider every one to three months to talk about how the medication is working for you. They can also help you receive medications through local pharmacies or other programs for people who need assistance.
The Medical Team does not provide services outside of psychiatric care. If you need treatment for other medical conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, we will refer you to community agencies, such as Partnership Community Health Clinic or St. Francis Community Free Walk-In Clinic.