Juvenile Intake Team


Juvenile Intake is responsible for receiving and screening all police department referrals regarding law violations, school truancy referrals and Department of Human Services referrals concerning abuse/neglect, to determine if diversion vs. petitioning to court is appropriate. Juvenile Intake workers review the referrals and make sure that the allegations meet the criteria by statute. If the juvenile/child is taken into custody because of a law violation or a safety issue, an interview is conducted to determine if placement is necessary under a temporary custody order or if the child should be returned home. All of Juvenile Intake actions are guided by statute.



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After Hours

After Hours services include custody issues and inquiries regarding juveniles.

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Intake Hearings

This includes custody placement presentations to the court, and ascertaining how the courts would like to proceed with placements.

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The Restitution Program provides youth an avenue to compensate their victims and the community through dollars earned at work sites and/or community service work. This program provides accountability for offenders in terms of taking responsibility for actions, and taking action to repair the harm caused to the victim and community.

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Child Welfare Screenings

Juvenile Intake staff determine direction for all referrals coming to their office.