

Pursuant to Winnebago County Ordinance 9.41, the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office has declared a Flood Emergency for specific waters of Winnebago County. This declaration imposes a SLOW-NO-WAKE zone within 500 feet of any permanent structure for the navigable waters listed. This emergency declaration will remain in effect until further notice, when the water recedes to a non-threatening level.

The Winnebago County - Emergency Slow No Wake line is the official delivery device.  Please call 920-236-7488 to find out the current status of any Emergency Slow No Wake declarations for Winnebago County. 

It is strongly encouraged that boaters check the status frequently during periods of high water, as the updates may change.

This declaration applies only to conditions arising out of a Flood Emergency.

Local ordinances, DNR Regulations, and Coast Guard maritime rules remain in effect. Please check those sources for additional applicable rules and regulations.

We cannot mail out Emergency Slow No Wake zone maps.

The map is split into 8 color coded zones:

ZONE 1 --- The Wolf River from the mouth of Lake Poygan to the north county line, and the Rat River

ZONE 2 --- Little Lake Butte des Morts AND the Fox River from the mouth of the Fox River in Menasha and Neenah to the north county line

ZONE 3 --- The Fox River from the mouth of Lake Butte des Morts in the Omro/Winneconne area (Rivermoor Rd) to the west county line

ZONE 4 --- The Fox River in Oshkosh

ZONE 5 --- Lake Poygan and Lake Winneconne to include the entire Village of Winneconne

ZONE 6 --- Lake Butte des Morts

ZONE 7 --- Lake Winnebago

ZONE 8 --- Rush Lake