911 Center

911 Center

The Winnebago County 911 Communications Center is located on the second floor of the Sheriff's Office. There are currently 30 full-time Telecommunicators and one Communications Manager in the division.

The 911 Communications Center is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. There are three shifts per day with five or six Telecommunicators on duty each shift.

The Telecommunicators are responsible for answering 911 calls for the entire county of Winnebago.

When should I call 911?

You should call 911 in an emergency.

What is an emergency?

An emergency is the immediate threat to life and/or property. This would include a crime in progress, any kind of fire or a serious illness or injury.

What should I expect when I call 911?

You will be asked a number of questions. These questions are very important.  Stay calm, listen to the questions the dispatcher asks you, and answer all of the questions. Do not hang up until the dispatcher tells you to.

What questions will I be asked?


Where is the incident taking place? Where is the fire?  Where is the ill or injured person?


What kind of incident are you reporting?  What is burning?  What kind of illness or injury?


Who is involved in the incident?  Who may still be in the burning building?  Who needs the ambulance?


When did the incident happen?  Is it in progress or did it happen yesterday? 

Call back number?

What telephone number can you be reached at if we get disconnected and need to call you back for more information?  People with cell phones should know the telephone number of their cell phone.  If you have trouble remembering the number, put the number on a label and affix it to your cell phone.

As soon as the dispatcher gets the answers to these questions, the appropriate emergency personnel will be dispatched. Do not hang up the phone unless the dispatcher tells you to do so or if you are in a dangerous situation. The dispatcher may need more information from you. You are the eyes and ears of the emergency personnel who are responding. What you can see and hear is very important to them.

What number do I call if it is not an emergency?


Winnebago County Sheriff's OfficeOshkosh (920) 236-7300,
WCSO Neenah/Menasha #(920) 727-2888
Oshkosh Police Department(920) 236-5700
Neenah Police Department(920) 886-6000
Menasha Police Department(920) 967-5128
Village of Fox Crossing Police Department(920) 720-7109
Omro Police Department(920) 685-7007
Village of Winneconne Police Department(920) 582-9944