Mission Statement

The Winnebago County District Attorney’s Office is dedicated to the pursuit of truth and justice by maintaining the highest ethical standards, safeguarding the rights of all members of our community, protecting the community through vigorous prosecution of criminal offenders, and providing compassionate services to the victims of crime.

To accomplish this mission we hereby resolve that:


  1. We will promote the highest standards of integrity and professional conduct for ourselves and those we work with.
  2. We will serve our communities with competent professional legal representation.
  3. We will treat all persons with whom we have contact with in a professional and respectful manner.
  4. We will hold ourselves accountable both individually and collectively for ensuring the policies of the office and the needs of the community are served.
  5. We will be forthright in our communications with all persons.
  6. We will work in a collaborative manner with law enforcement and our communities to address the needs of and promote the highest possible quality of life for the citizens of Winnebago County.
  7. We will show compassion and understanding to victims of crime and ensure that they are treated with dignity and respect.
  8. We will put the needs and best interests of the community before the personal or political interests of any individual or individuals.