AMENDED Date/Time Tuesday, February 28, 2023 - 6:00pm Meeting Link Meeting Video Agenda 02.28.2023 - amended.pdf Minutes CB02.28.2023_0.pdf Other Documents County Executive Appointment - Board of Health - Bellville.pdf County Treasurer Appointment - Amber Hoppa.pdf County Treasurer Resume.pdf 001 - AMEND ORD - WINAGAMIE.pdf 002 - AMEND ORD - WITTMAN AIRPORT.pdf 003 - AMEND ORD - MORAN.pdf 004 - AMEND ORD - BLICKHAHN.pdf 005 - AMEND ORD - FISCHER.pdf 006 - AMEND ORD - CLAYTON.pdf 007 - AMEND ORD - CLAYTON.pdf 008 - AMEND ORD - ROBEL.pdf 35-042022 Resolution Ad Hoc Committee for Committee Structure.pdf 154-122022 RESOLUTION-David W. Albrecht Administration Building.pdf 175-022023 RESOLUTION- Bailiff Pay Increase.pdf 175-022023 Agenda Item Report - Bailiff pay increase.pdf 175-022023 ATTACHMENT #3 BAILIFF Copy of Jury Survey.pdf 176-022023 RESOLUTION - Commendation - Laurin, Tim.pdf 177-022023 RESOLUTION - Commendation - Messerschmidt, Robert.pdf 178-022023 RESOLUTION- Commendation - Effertz-Doherty, Barbara.pdf 179-022023 RESOLUTION- Commendation - Paulus, Teresa.pdf 180-022023 RESOLUTION- Commendation - Van Dellen Rausch, Terri.CORRECTEDpdf.pdf 181-022023 RESOLUTION- Commendation - Vander Zanden, Carl.pdf 182-022023 RESOLUTION - Commendation - Hale, Kelley.pdf 183-022023 ORDINANCE-PARKS Chapter 19.23.pdf 183-022023-Agenda Item Report Parks Chapter 19.23.pdf 183-022023 Attachment #3 PARKS Chapter 19.23 Exhibit A Redline.pdf 184-022023 Resolution Airport Noack L-809C Hangar Lease.pdf 184-022023 Agenda Item Report - 2-8-23 - Noack L-809C Hangar Lease.pdf 184-022023 Attachment #3 Noack Lease 2023-2026.pdf 184-022023 Attachment #4 L-809C Exhibit A.pdf 185-022023 RESOLUTION- Partners in Parenting.pdf 185-022023 PIP Fee Increase Memo 02.2023.pdf 186-022023 RESOLUTION- FCS fee schedule.pdf 186-022023 Agenda Item Report Custody Study Increase.pdf 186-022023 Attachment # 3 Custody Study.pdf 187-022023 RESOLUTION- FACILITIES OHS Elevator Repair Project.pdf 187-022023 Agenda Item Report OH Elev Rprs 2023.pdf 188-022023 Resolution- UWO-FC Cell Tower Lease.pdf 188-022023 Agenda Item Report UWO-FC Cell Tower Lease.pdf 188-022023 Attachment #3 UWO-FC Cell Tower Lease Agreement.pdf 188-022023 Attachment #4 Rent Summary.pdf 189-022023 RESOLUTION - TruNarc.pdf 189-022023 TruNarc Agenda Item Report.pdf 189-022023 Attachment #3 TrucNarc Attach 2017 Menasha PD Fentanyl Article.pdf 189-022023 Attachment #4 TruNarc attach Overdose Statistics.pdf 189-022023 Attachment #5TruNarc Attach- Possession of Highly Addictive Drugs (1.1.2013 - 12.31.2022) - Hanson.pdf 189-022023 Attachment #6 TruNarc Attachment 2022 LWAM (MEG Unit) Activity.pdf 190-022023 RESOLUTION-6.0 Order of Business Consent Calendar.pdf 191- 022023 RESOLUTION- Ad-Hoc for Per Diem.pdf 192-022023 Resolution Opioid AMENDED_0.pdf 192-022023 Wisconsin State Local MOU_0.pdf 192-022023 Wisconsin Local Gov Memo of Understanding_0.pdf 192-022023 Addendum to WI Local Gov Memo_0.pdf 193-022023 RESOLUTION- DebtBook Finance.pdf 193-022023 Agenda Item Report DEBTBOOK.pdf 194-022023 RESOLUTION- CIP2023.pdf Meeting Packets February 28, 2023 Packet amended_3.pdf