Fees & Filing Information: https://www.wicourts.gov/courts/circuit/filing.htm
Customer Service:
Please process your request, filing or payment remotely if possible.
Please anticipate that you may have to wait in line for your turn. Transaction time varies based on your filing needs.
There are no self-service photocopying options. Please fulfill your photocopy needs ahead of time.
- If copies are required for your filing, you will be charged .25 cents a page.
If you choose to prepare your forms and electronically file them, instead of waiting in line go to: https://www.wicourts.gov/ecourts/efilecircuit/index.jsp
Please be aware that if you electronically file your case or opt-in to participate on your case electronically, the circuit court electronic filing fee (eFiling fee) imposed pursuant to Wis. Stat. 758.19(4m) and 801.18(7) in increasing effective May 1, 2024. For details, please see: Director of State Courts Informational Bulletin 24-03