Clerk of Courts | Staff Listing | 920-236-4848 | 920-727-2880 |
| Civil | 920-236-1131 | |
| Criminal/Traffic/Fines | 920-236-4855 | |
| Family Court | 920-236-4791 | |
| General Information | 920-236-4848 | |
| Jury Clerk | 920-236-4853 | |
| Summoned Juror Call In Line | 920-236-4998 | 920-727-2898 |
| Small Claims | 920-236-4858 | |
Michael D. Rust, Circuit Court Branch I, Room 410 | 920-236-4811 | | |
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| Court Reporter | 920-236-4806 | |
Scott C. Woldt, Circuit Court Branch II, Room 419 | 920-236-4828 | | |
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| Court Reporter | 920-236-4824 | |
Bryan D. Keberlein, Circuit Court Branch III, Rm 240 | 920-236-4835 | | |
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| Court Reporter | 920-236-4830 | |
Michael Gibbs, Circuit Court Branch IV, Room 211 | 920-236-4868 | | |
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| Court Reporter | 920-236-4867 | |
John A. Jorgensen, Circuit Court Branch V, Room 320 | 920-236-4866 | | |
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| Court Reporter | 920-236-4861 | |
Daniel J. Bissett, Circuit Court Branch VI, Room 531 | 920-236-4912 | | |
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| Court Reporter | 920-236-4960 | |
Circuit Court Commissioner, Room 150 | 920-236-4955 | | |
Family Court Commissioner, Rooms 142 and 141 | 920-236-4791 | | |
Family Court Services, Room 220 | 920-236-4762 | | |
Registrar in Probate, Room 242 | 920-236-4833 | | |