PVHC Community


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Volunteer Information

Share Your Talents   *   Share Your Smile   *   Make a Difference!

People volunteer for a wide variety of reasons. Some enjoy being helpful to others and bringing about smiles. Others want to feel useful and share their skills, gifts and abilities. Whatever the reason may be, volunteering can be a rewarding experience. Whether volunteering as an individual, with a family or friend, or coworkers, the contribution will provide a rewarding experience!

  volunteer luncheon

We have many volunteer opportunities!  The following list includes a few of the opportunities available for volunteers:

  • Escorting residents to hair salon, community appointments & outings, activities and clinics
  • Taking residents outdoors for walks
  • Giving bicycle rides on our Trio-bikes
  • Doing personal shopping for residents
  • Hosting Bingo sessions
  • Writing cards back and forth
  • Reading poetry, short stories and newspapers
  • Visiting one-on-one 
  • Sing-alongs
  • Showing videos and slides
  • Bringing a pet to visit
  • Playing games 

If you are interested in becoming a PVHC volunteer, please contact the Therapeutic Wellness office at 920-237-6931.


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