What do I do next?
  • The citation you have been issued is similar to a traffic ticket.  The date of your initial court appearance is listed on your citation.  If you wish to settle the ctiation prior to your scheduled court date, our office will dismiss the citation if both a completed pumping/inspection report AND a $50.00 administrative fee are filed with the Zoning Office by the date indicated on your letter.
Why do I have to pay a $50 fee?
  • There is a large amount of time associated with issuing and processi


The Zoning Department administers the Winnebago County Sanitary Ordinance and Chapter SPS 383 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code, which regulate the installation and maintenance of Private Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (POWTS), better known as "septic systems".    Both the Winnebago County Sanitary Ordinance and SPS 383 require that all septic systems, regardless of when they were installed, must be inspected/serviced a minimum of once every three (3) years.  

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