Is my property buildable?
In order for a property to be allowed to be built on several factors must be considered. The proposed use must be consistent with both the Zoning and the Future Land Use for the property. Other site-specific factors that could restrict construction include, but are not limited, to the presence of wetlands, floodplain, and easements. Any construction required to either meet the setbacks of the underlying zoning district or have a variance granted. Please refer to other parts of this website for details regarding a specific property.
How much land do I need to build on?
Newly created lots have minimum lot size requirements depending on whether or not the property is sewered. Generally speaking, residential minimum lot sizes range from 9,000 to 15,000 square feet in sewered areas and 20,000 to 43,000 square feet in unsewered areas. Existing lots of record not meeting the minimum area may be built on as long as all setbacks are met. Variances may be applied for where setbacks cannot be met on existing lots of record. However, there is no guarantee the variance will be granted.
What is the property zoned?
We must know information about the property to answer that question. Information needed is parcel number, owner, address or certified survey map number. If the property is located in a town that has not adoptedCounty zoning, we do not have zoning information unless it is a shoreland area. All shoreland areas are regulated by County zoning.
The GIS maps on our website can also give you the zoning district information if you have the above information.
Can I split my lot?
That depends on Winnebago County’s future land use map, the zoning district the property is in, and which municipal jurisdictions the property is in. Contact the zoning office first to find out which jurisdiction your property is located. The county zoning office reviews and approves all lot splits and new lot creations within the unincorporated areas of the county. Certified survey maps are required for lot splits within the county’s land division jurisdiction. All lots must have the proper frontage on public streets.
How do I find my lot lines?
First try to locate your property pipes. Knowing the dimensions of your lot and measuring from the existing property pipes is a relatively accurate way of establishing your lot lines. If your neighbor has a property pipe, you could also use that pipe to assist in locating your lot boundaries. Be sure you have permission from your neighbor to do this. You may have to hire a surveyor to re-establish your lot lines if there are not enough property pipes present or if you cannot find the pipes.
The property line along the street usually coincides with the road right-of-way. The zoning office does not have a county surveyor so if you are not sure where your lot lines are, you will have to hire a surveyor.