Independent Living Apartments

Independent Living Apartments are apartment complexes that are specifically designated for the elderly and/or the disabled who are capable of managing their own lives. The nonthly rent for these apartments will vary - some are subsidized for low income individuals (Section 8 and 42-see definitions below), up to more expensive, condominium style units. Some buildings will have recreation rooms, organized activities, transportation, and meal sites. As an individual starts to encounter more difficulties caring for themselves at home, they may hire home care to come into their apartment to help them be able to stay there longer. 

Click here to learn more about the Oshkosh/Winnebago County Housing Authority. An online application is required.

Click here to see a listing of independent apartments in our Resource Directory. 

Click here to see an additional housing list specific to Winnebago County. 

Section 42, Section 8, and Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher: What's the difference?

Section 42

  • Apartments are offered at a reduced amount if a person makes below a certain income threshold. For example, an apartment may be $750/mo, but if a person makes below a certain income threshold they can get reduced rent to $550/mo.
  • Apply through the apartment you are looking at.
  • Not income-based.
  • Does not go through the Oshkosh/Winnebago County Housing Authority.
  • Generally, apartment buildings have limited Section 42 units.

Section 8 Public Housing

  • Referred to as Section 8 in the housing chart on pages 1-6.
  • The voucher "stays" at the apartment.
  • Rent is income-based (30% of income).
  • The Oshkosh/Winnebago Housing Authority has properties with this type of voucher. Some of those properties are: Court Towers, Marion Manor, Raulf Place, Rug Waite Place, Riverside, and Fox View Manor. To apply for these, please visit their website at www.ohawacha.org
  • There are also other HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) apartments that offer a project-based voucher that stays with the apartment. Some of these properties are: Simeanna, Hearthside, Fireside, Lakeside, Elizabeth Court, Assisi Homes, etc. You would apply for this voucher directly through these apartment complexes.

Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers

  • This is a "mobile" voucher.
  • This is administered through the Oshkosh/Winnebago County Housing Authority. Go on their website to apply www.ohawcha.org
  • If a person is awarded a voucher, then the person needs to find a landlord that is willing to accept this. Then the Oshkosh/Winnebago County Housing Authority has to agree that the property/unit is safe and sanitary.
  • Rent is income-based (30% of income).
  • This program waitlist opens and closes.
  • This is a priority waitlist, not first come, first served.

Mainstream Housing Choice Voucher

  • Special initiative through the Oshkosh/Winnebago County Housing Authority.
  • Income-based: Rent will be 30% of income.
  • Who can apply?
    • Non-elderly person age 18-61 yrs old
    • Must have a disability (can be noted on a housing authority form by a doctor)
    • Who is transitioning out of institutional or segregated setting, at  serious risk of homelessness, at risk of becoming homeless, where the  household includes one or more non-elderly persons with disabilities,  which may include additional household members who are not non-  elderly person with disabilities. A household where the sole member is  an emancipated minor is not an eligible household.
  • Applicants need to be referred by the ADRC or a partnering agency.
  • The application is made through the Oshkosh/Winnebago County Housing Authority. An individual can apply by paper application or online www.ohawcha.org.  When applying online, check the box that you are applying for the Housing Choice Voucher. From there, be sure to check the box that says "disabled between 18-62 years old" and "homeless or at risk of homelessness" if that is your situation. This is what will flag them to screen you for the Mainstream Housing Choice Voucher. Remember you also need a referral letter written by the ADRC or a partnering agency.
  • Mainstream Housing Choice Voucher is not designed to help someone move up quicker on the waiting list for one of the housing authority properties, rather is a voucher for a person to find their own unit/property.
  • This program waitlist opens and closes.
  • Contact: Kay Hinton at 920-424-1450 or kayh@ohawcha.org

Are you a Veteran?

Veterans may qualify for help with some funding for the below residential living arrangements. Contact the Winnebago County Veteran Service Office to learn more.

  • Oshkosh Area: 920-232-3400
  • Neenah Area: 920-729-4820

Residential Care Apartment Complex (RCAC)

An RCAC is an apartment style complex where residents are somewhat independent but still need some assistance. Residents can receive up to 28 hours of assistance per week, with emergency assistance available. An RCAC will provide meals and activities. Payment for these facilities is generally private pay, but there are Medicaid-based public program funds available to help if an individual qualifies for those programs. See the Long-Term Care Programs section to learn more about those.

Click here to see a listing of RCACs in our Resource Directory.

Community-Based Residential Facility (CBRF)

A CBRF is generally a group home setting (8 people +) with single or double occupancy bedrooms, with private or shared bathroom and common living and dining areas. A CBRF is licensed and organized by the size of the home and the population it serves. A CBRF will have skilled staff to help with bathing, dressing, grooming, and medications. You can receive more assistance for additional costs. A CBRF will also have scheduled in-home community activities and transportation for errands. Payment for these facilities is generally private pay, but there are Medicaid-based public programs funds available to help if an individual qualifies for those programs. See Long-Term Care Programs section to learn more. 

Click here to see a listing of CBRFs in our Resource Directory.

Adult Family Homes (AFH)

An adult family home is a group setting where 3-4 adults who are not related live in a home together. Generally, an agency operates this home and provides the staff nencessary to help meet the needs of the individuals who live there. Individuals in these homes may need minimal help, some may need a lot of help. The home will have skilled staff to help with bathing, dressing, grooming, and medications. The adult family home will also have scheduled in-home and community activities and offer transportation. Payment for these facilities are generally made through Medicaid-based public programs. See Long-Term Care Programs section to learn more. 

Click here to see a listing of adult family homes in our Resource Directory.

Skilled Nursing Facility (Nursing Home)

A skilled nursing facility is a healthcare facility that offers nursing care 24 hours a day. Residents in a nursing home require extensive supervision, have rehabilitation needs, or have complex health care needs. Each facility will have its own daily rate, which should include room and board, activities, social services, and nursing care. Nursing homes have several options for payment. Medicare, Medicaid, Veteran's Benefits, and private pay are some of the ways to cover the costs. 

Click here to see a listing of nursing homes in our Resource Directory.