If you have recently worked with one of our ADRC staff, let us know how we did! 1. Prior to contacting the ADRC, had you heard anything about the ADRC and their services? Heard very positive things Heard some positive things Heard of the ADRC, but not positive nor negative Heard some negative things Heard very negative things Never heard of the ADRC 2. When you contacted the ADRC how long did it take for you to hear back from someone regarding the need or question you had? Immediately Same day Next business day 2 business days More than 2 business days 3. Was the ADRC staff member that helped you able to resolve your need or answer your question? Extremely helpful; they went above and beyond Very helpful; my question was answered, or my need was resolved Helpful; but my question was not answered, or my need was not resolved Not helpful; my question was not answered, or my need was not resolved, but they gave me resources to try to assist Not at all helpful, my question was not answered or my need was not resolved, nor did they give me any resources to try to assist me 4. Was the ADRC staff member that you worked with professional and kind/courteous? Yes, they exceeded my expectations for their level of professionalism and kindness/courtesy Yes, they were both professional and kind/courteous My feelings are neutral No; they were professional, but not kind/courteous Not at all, they were both unprofessional and not kind/courteous 5. After Contacting the ADRC, what are your feelings about the services the ADRC provides? I have extremely positive feelings about the ADRC I have positive feelings about the ADRC I have neutral feelings about the ADRC I have negative feelings about the ADRC I have extremely negative feelings about the ADRC 6. What could we do to improve your experience? 7. Let us know whom you worked with! (optional) 8. Would you like someone to contact you regarding your experience? Yes Not at this time If yes then: Name: Phone/Email: 9. Any other comments? Thank you for giving us your feedback!