Below are helpful articles about caregiving:
Long-Term Planning for Caregivers
Caring for Someone with Mesothelioma
Self-Care for the Caregiver
- Caregivers must take care of themselves so they can better care for others
- Re-energize Yourself!
- Caring Enough to Ask for Help
Helpful Caregiver Tips/Resources
- Reduce the Risk of Wandering Home Safety Checklist
- Understanding Caregiving from Different Angles
- The Sneaky Side of Caregiver Burnout
- When Caregiving Ends
- How to Really Help a Caregiver
Alzheimer's Association Website and 24/7 Help Line:
- 800-272-3900
Finding a Private Caregiver:
There are two organizations that help you find private caregivers:
- For more information about hiring home care, see the Resource Directory tab and type in "home care".
- Click here to find specific caregiver support for adults with Dementia or Alzheimer's.
Finding an Agency Caregiver
- To find a public agency to help care for your loved one, click here to see our Resource Directory.
Caregiver Support Programs
National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP)
This is a program that can provide respite to a caregiver caring for an individual who is age 60 or older. This program can fund things like home care, personal emergency response systems, transportation, and more. This program can also provide support for grandparents and older relatives caring for minor children or an adult with a disability. Call the ADRC to be assessed for this program and to learn more.
Alzheimer's Family Caregiver Support Program (AFCSP)
This is a program that can provide respite to a caregiver caring for an individual who has Alzheimer's or Dementia. This program can fund things like home care, personal emergency response systems, transportation, adult day care, and more. Call the ADRC to be assessed for this program and to learn more.
Powerful Tools for Caregivers is an educational program designed for caregivers to help them reduce stress, locate resources, improve self-confidence, communicate feelings, and increase ability to make tough decisions. This is a 90-minute class that meets weekly for six (6) weeks.
Click here to view the brochure. Contact the ADRC for more information.
Support Groups
There are a number of great support groups in a variety of areas in Winnebago County. Contact the ADRC to learn more about your area of interest.