Resolution Center, Inc.
What is Mediation?
If you have a conflict or disagreement that you cannot resolve yourself, mediation may be the answer. Mediation helps you and the disputant(s) resolve your differences skillfully and effectively. During mediation you will discuss the issues important to you and determine the outcome yourselves. The concerns of each party in the dispute will be clarified with the help of trained, impartial mediators. The mediators will encourage clear and constructive discussions, but will not impose a solution on you. You will be assisted in finding a solution that is acceptable to everyone in the conflict. Quicker and cheaper than going to court, mediation produces a more satisfying and longer lasting solution. There is no charge for our service.
The Mediation Session
Begins by giving all parties a chance to tell about their sides of the conflict.
Continues by helping all parties to reach an acceptable solution.
Ends with a written contract describing the agreement you have reached.
Examples of Disputes
Small Claims - property damage, accidents, vandalism, small debts, harassment, etc.
Neighbor Problems - noise, pet, neighbor relations, parking, etc.
Domestic Problems - disputes involving family members, friends, or roommates.
Juvenile Disputes - conflicts between youth, youth and adults, schools, merchants, or the law.
Consumer/Merchant - product or service satisfaction.
Landlord/Tenant - security deposits, repairs, damages, etc.
Worksite - conflicts between employer and employee or among workers.
Property Division - personal or business relationships disputes.
Why Use Mediation?
Fast - Mediations can usually be scheduled within two weeks of referral.
Convenient - Mediations are arranged during the day or evening at a time that is convenient for both parties.
Less stressful - Mediators provide a neutral, informal setting.
Confidential - The mediation takes place in a private setting. Only involved parties attend the session.
Free - There is no charge for mediation.
Self-determined - You decide how your dispute will be resolved, without a judge or jury.
Get Started
Contact our office by calling 920-236-4925 Monday - Friday, or stop in our office in the Winnebago County Courthouse, 415 Jackson Street in Oshkosh. Your problem will be assessed to determine how mediation could help. Mediators will be scheduled at a time convenient to all disputants
Visit Resolution Center, Inc. for more information.