247th Marine Corps Birthday Ball at the Marine Corps League clubhouse

In an effort to further build on our relationship with each of your organizations, the Winnebago Detachment #357, Marine Corps League would like to cordially invite you and your members to come out and help us celebrate the 247th Marine Corps Birthday.  

The event will be held at our clubhouse and here's what you need to know!

Date: 5 November 2022

Time: 5 PM: Cocktails and hors d'oeuvre's 

          6 PM: Ceremony

          Buffet Dinner: Immediately following ceremony

          8 - 12 PM: Dancing and good times

Location: 4715 Sherman Road Oshkosh, WI 54903

Cost: $30.00 per person (includes dinner and ball gift)

RSVP: Call Paymaster, Jim St. Pierre at 760-576-9518 or email him at mcldet357.paymaster@gmail.com.  We are limited to 125 guests so please get your RSVP in quickly.

RSVP's must be submitted by 20 October 2022.

Dinner will be provided by the Roxy and there will be beef and chicken on the buffet with several delicious sides. If you have any dietary restrictions, include that with your RSVP. We'll have a traditional birthday cake, DJ and a very unique ball gift for each guest.

Contact Info
