Memory Cafe- Oshkosh Traveling Cafe

Memory Cafés are no cost monthly events and consist of activities, informal conversation, and light refreshments. Designed to be interactive, Memory Cafés allow for the person with memory loss and their care partner to interact in ways they had before the memory loss. Café themes can include:

  • Guest speakers and presentations.
  • Musical performances.
  • Art projects.
  • Games and activities that engage people with memory loss. 

An experienced facilitator and additional volunteers lead the cafés. The settings are relaxed and comfortable, with accessibility for those with mobility limitations. The environment and activities are optimized to help people with memory loss engage in the social gatherings. For more details, click on the link below.   

The Oshkosh Traveling memory cafe is held on the third Wednesday of the month 1:30-3:00pm at different locations throughout Oshkosh.  See the cafe calendar on the FVMP website for this month's location.   

Contact Info

FVMP:(920) 225-1711
