Yard sheds - what are they?

Under the previous zoning code, a yard shed was referred to as a minor structure.  Yard sheds are small garden or utility sheds which do not exceed 100 square feet in area and do not exceed 8 feet in height.  A yard shed can only be established with a principal residential use present and it must meet all setback requirements which include: 30 feet from the road right-of-way, 3 feet from the side and rear lot lines, 10 feet from any other structure and 75 feet from the ordinary high water mark of any navigable lake, channel, river or stream. 


One yard shed is allowed without a zoning permit and will not count towards the total allowed accessory structure space.  Additional yard sheds will require a zoning permit and will contribute to the total allowed accessory structure space.  Yard sheds are not allowed in the floodway.