Winnebago County Economic Development Per Capita Funding Program
- 2022 Per Capita Funding Allocations
- 2021 Per Capita Funding Allocations
- 2020 Per Capita Funding Allocations
- 2019 Per Capita Funding Allocations
- Per Capita Policies and Procedures
The Per Capita Funding Program is an annual grant program administered by the IDB. Founded in 1975 by the Winnebago County Board, the program has distributed over $2.5 million to local communities and economic development organizations in Winnebago County since its inception.
Purpose: The program is designed to assist local units of government and local economic development organizations with economic development related programs and projects on an annual basis. Funds are used for economic development promotion/marketing efforts and/or financing local economic development projects.
Funding Availability: Currently $1.12 per capita is available to each community in Winnebago County on an annual basis.
Recipients: Communities with active economic development programs and provide employment opportunities for its residents and for residents of nearby communities.
Payback Terms: This is a grant program, therefore no payback is required.
Application: The IDB sends out a "Statement of Intent" form annually to all communities in Winnebago County.
Each community has the option to:
- apply for funds to promote economic development in their community for the upcoming year
- allocate all or part of the funds to a near by community that provides employment opportunites for their residents
If a community indicates an interest in applying for the funds, an application explaining how the funds will be used is required to be prepared and submitted for approval to IDB in January/February of each year.
Information and Contact: Jerry L. Bougie, Winnebago County IDB Coordinator, at 920-232-3340 or e-mail at