Immunizations are one of public health's greatest achievements. Vaccines help prevent diseases and help keep people of all ages healthy. To make sure you are completing the appropriate vaccine schedule on time, please contact your primary care provider. If you need assistance finding vaccine services please call 920-232-3000.
Learn more about vaccines here.
Vaccines offered at Winnebago County Public Health
Vaccines for Children Program
Eligibility Requirements:
- No insurance
- Underinsured - a child who has health insurance, but the coverage does not include all vaccines
- Medical Assistance (includes BadgerCare)
- Native American or Native Alaskan.
These children can receive their immunizations at their local health department or from a private healthcare provider. Childhood vaccines will be given free of charge. Adult vaccines are also available at the health department. Please call us at 920-232-3000 to learn about the vaccines offered.
Children under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. If a parent/guardian in unable to accompany the child, we require written permission from the parent/guardian and another adult to accompany the child.
Check Immunization Records Here |